Ah October – Days get shorter, weather gets cooler, leaves put on a majestic show of color, bonfires, apple bobbing, hay rides and of course Halloween. 

I remember as a child the weekends leading up to Halloween were filled with visiting orchards, collecting leaves and pressing them, youth group bonfires, hay rides and more. It was a break after the heat of summer. All those boots and sweaters started crying out to be worn. 

I’ve chosen Mookaite for October’s stone.

Mookaite comes in a range of colors from deep red to bright yellow with areas of white, tan, brown, mauve/pink and purple. It reminds me of the majestic show that the leaves put on at this time of year. color

Like an espresso for the soul, Mookaite is an excellent all-over energizer that cleanses and activates the root chakra, sacral chakra, and solar plexus chakra. Mookaite encourages you to take control of your destiny and shoot for the stars. 

Its healing properties are known to help sharpen your intuition, It reawakens your inner spirit, the sensible part of yourself that always knows the way towards the light, especially when you’re guided by love. The powerful grounding energy of Mookaite guides us towards making choices that reflect our hopes and not our fears. 

Mookaite Jasper is found only in the Kennedy Ranges of Western Australia in outcroppings near Mooka Creek. 

To cleanse Mookaite use a soft cloth and mild soap or detergent, 

DO NOT expose to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures. It can also be periodically charged in the sunlight or moonlight to preserve its energy and vibrancy.