January – a new year, hope, possibilities and new memories. A time to leave behind the past year and hopefully move on to a better year. 

January holds so much promise but unfortunately since Covid it seems like each year just keeps getting worse but we never lose hope. Hope keeps us going and moving forward. So each year we say this will be the best yet and we believe it and strive for it but sometimes it doesn’t take much to lose that faith. 

I’m thankful for January. It’s a reminder to not give up, keep moving forward, make your dreams a reality and I bet when you reflect on the old year no matter how bad it was, you can find happy memories that help you move on and times that are dear. 

I have  chosen Citrine for the January stone of the month. It’s said to help you feel more positive, expressive, and outgoing. It  is the perfect stone to channel feelings of abundance, wealth, and a sense of security.

The most abundant sources of natural citrine are found in Bolivia, Madagascar, Mexico, Spain and Uruguay.

Citrine is associated with positivity and optimism, which is not surprising given its cheerful color. It’s often used to assist in manifesting financial abundance and opportunities. It can also be used to awaken the solar plexus chakra, helping to cultivate confidence and personal power.

For centuries,Citrine has been known for possessing the healing properties of the sun and who doesn’t need some sun in the cold month of January when winter has lost its magical effect.

Charging your citrine can be as simple as placing it on a selenite charging plate or leaving it out in the moonlight for several hours. You can also charge the stone by burying it for 24 hours. Citrine is one of the few stones that doesn’t require cleansing.