Oh February what to say—–the magic of snow is gone, the holidays are over and truefully we are ready for spring but you can be a bear….

February to me is a month of darkness, most of us are ready for the ugliness of winter to be over. We’re tired of the cold and snow and want to get on with longer days, sunshine, and spring. We are ready for rebirth,flowers and grass. GO AWAY MUD. LOL

Even though it is the shortest month of the year, old man winter can make it feel like the longest when he doesn’t want to let go of his hold. 

I have chosen Snowflake obsidian for February due to it reminds me of fresh snow falling on the already old dirty snow. It is a reminder of how bright, clear and beautiful anything new can be but also has the darkness underneath of the old, and worn out. 

Snowflake Obsidian is a perfect stone for February  as it helps absorb negative energy and patterns of thought. This makes it useful if you’re feeling down in the dumps or a bit pessimistic at this time of year.

It is made from  black volcanic glass with white snowflakes of feldspar and is found Snowflake obsidian is found all over the world including deposits in Italy, Scotland, the United States and other locations around the world with historic volcanic eruptions

Snowflake obsidian amplifies earthly energy which makes it ideal  for protection, grounding, banishing fear, balance, and meditation. Its calming effects make it perfect for getting us through the long cold days of February.

When caring for snowflake obsidian, some important things to keep in mind. When exposed to direct sunlight over time visual effects may fade or become discolored. 

To avoid this, try not to leave your snowflake obsidian out in the full sun for long periods of time. 

You should also cleanse your stones regularly with cold water or under the light of a new moon – both methods help maintain their natural energy and power. Smudging is also recommended